Tuesday, October 26, 2004


Because the circle of chaos was closing in on the realm, the hero went to the troll and, forcibly subduing him, demanded to know the secret of drawing order out of chaos. The troll replied, Give me your left eye and I'll tell you. Because the hero loved his threatened people so much, he did not hesitate. He gouged out his own left eye and gave it to the troll, who then said,
The secret of order over chaos is: Watch with both eyes.
(Excerpt from a story by John Gardner)


Anonymous said...

Then the hero made a visibly thin swing with his head,
as if he understood more than the dense air could read.
A moment later when he opened his hand,
it was the right eye that fell to the ground.

G Shrivastava said...

I Like...and I certainly hope that the story doesn't end the way Anonymous predicted!