I used to drive a car called "Manduka". Now, my friend and mentor needed one and I gave it to him. So, naturally that drove me to buy a new car and I got a 1996 Audi A4 Quattro 2.8L V6 thats pearlescent in color. I named this blog after my car and keeping in with the tradition I named my new car "Suparna" which means beautiful wings. Now, the car has changed so should my blog title in much of a vein like how birds evolved from reptiles. This fulfills the "american dream" of having more cars than the number of people living in a house.
By the end of this month I shall also be signing up for another mortgage for a house in Bangalore. That particular signature will fulfill the "indian dream" of having more than house in your name. I tell you, all this is stretching myself a bit but then if I only could afford the Evo...
CObgrats on getting a car.. Hope u fulfill ur other wishes...
Chill madi
hi anna,
Nice car.Hope u do some good driving with it else its just a commuter on 4 wheels...
abt evo: if u ever cared abt top speed,breath taking acceleration and world class drifting stunts....this car is for u.else a MERC will do good.
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