Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Elevator Funkiness

The elevator at my work place has a mind of its own.I am serious.No Kidding.
BTW for geographical naming purposes it is called "Crystal park 2". Here are the reasons why I think so :

(a) Have you ever seen an elevator door half open.I mean the elevator hasnt made up its mind yet and extended its invitation by opening only the left half of the door.

(b) Its indicator light shows its going UP whereas you go in and press your floor only to realise that you are trapped and it takes you all the way down.You will be left with an insect in a Venus Flytrap feeling.

(c) Supposing you really wanted to go down and click the Lobby button it behaves nicely till the floor above the lobby and suddenly amnesia kicks in with you being transported to the Cellar.
Apparently this selective memory thing is more universal than I thought as I have confirmed reports of elevators missing their floors from all over the place.

(d) Occasionally the elevator tries to explore moving sideways out of sheer boredom when you get the shaly wiggle-woggle feeling.

(e) If you say something nasty about it, then it will sulk in the basement for the next 2 hours and refuses to come up to service requests.

I dont know whats gonna happen tommorow now that I went public with this information.

1 comment:

G Shrivastava said...

Hehe - sounds like your elevator is spooked! The elevator in the apartment complex I stayed in during my 3 mth stay in Germany had a personlity of its own too - sometimes we had to wait for 5 mins while the door slid opne and shut 5-6 times. And it took us to the basement quite a few times...infact my room-mate stopped using it and would climb up the 5 floors no matter how tired she was!