Tuesday, May 22, 2007


"Where never creeps a cloud, or moves a wind,
Nor ever falls the least white star of snow,
Nor ever lowest roll of thunder moans,
Nor sound of human sorrow mounts to mar
Their sacred everlasting calm." -Lucretius

Its been a while. I was driven to do something or slave-driven or something else that left me bereft of any wish to blog.Plus my weekends were spent mostly driving 750 miles south of california watching forests catch themselves on fire.

First off, a good friend of mine just got engaged! Yayyy!!! Its a bug event as this was awaited for years. I incorrectly prophesied (this is what happens when you do so without the benefit of divine intervention) that he would be the first person in the periphery of our friends to get hitched first (the other prediction of me b eing last seems to be right on spot though..).Its exciting for me to look forward to attend a wedding after a span of 12 years (thats the last I ever been to anyone's wedding). Also travel to india is always fun :)

On the other hand, I moved from one group at work to another group. If you wanna work for a cost-center, some cost-centers are more equal than others. 12 years back I realized ,amidst great ambiguity, that I wanted to be an engineer. Li'l did I know the route to becoming one was working your way through operations and sales. I am happy however as it fits in my plan of working everywhere on planet earth and working probably in every other organizational unit that man has invented. Given such modest goals, it isnt surprising that I am looking forward to shuttle back to the "right" coast in a couple of weeks. Hurrah! Change is always good

My dad used to be a nomad in the sense of working at a different place every 3 years due to the nature of his profession. I felt really bad and cried in 1987 when I had to leave Madras with my friends (vividly remember the yellow X on a black background on a locomotive when I left the station as my last memoir of the city) . Later, I became used to it and really didnt bother as much nor spent so many a tear. Now, as I stand to leave another city, there're a few folks who wistfully look you in the eye and say "So Long!". Its a good thing to affect humans that way (or else your value add kind of comes close that of a furniture) and gives me a nice feeling of doing my thing of spreading joy around..

Here's to some really good tidings for my friend and myself..(If you have a bottle of london dry gin with that of some tonic water, now is a good time to mix them and drink to my health)

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